Streaming Video Services For Webpages Real Video, Windows Media and QuickTime are your top choices for
streaming video on websites and corporate Intranets, but what about your choice for the
company to provide streaming video services? Encoding streaming video so that it looks and
sounds the best is a demanding process. The technology is constantly evolving as is both
the software and hardware.
When it comes to encoding streaming video for websites and
corporate Intranets, we've been chosen by both high profile
customers and start-up entrepreneurs alike; and for very good reason - we've been
digitizing streaming video since its early infancy in 1996.
Because of our extensive background in streaming video production,
we're able to provide our customers with not only a perfect video, but also expert advice,
48 hour turnaround time on most projects regardless of your geographic location, and the complete HTML code to paste right into their pages for
instant streaming video.
If you'd like to add streaming video to your
site with the least amount of hassle, and with the assurance of a professional looking job
at a reasonable price, we hope you'll explore some of the demos and additional information
on our web site.
In The Press
We're always quite proud when we can see our
name in print as well as here on the Net. The magazines shown here are some recent
examples of how some of our customers have found out about us.
 To add streaming video to your web site or corporate Intranet,
simply send us your DVD, Beta SP, Mini DV, Hi-8, Umatic, VHS or S-VHS video clips using
our mail-in
video submission form. Please
call us toll free at 630-690-2141, or e-mail us at if you have any