Using The Strongest Tools
If instead of visiting your website, your
prospect walked into your place of business - how would you present your product or
service? Would you direct your prospect to a stack of preprinted sales material containing
text and graphics and let it go at that, or would you talk to him in person?
You're going to talk to him and keep him in your
store as long as possible, aren't you?
- That's how you make sales.
- That's how you earn an income.
Because your website is your face to the world,
why should you try and conduct business any differently online? If you believe that all it
takes to be successful on the web is a steady flow of visitors seeing some plain text and
graphics, your sales are probably already trying to tell you otherwise.
When you place your business on the Internet,
you're given a set of tools to work with to tell your story - text, graphics, audio &
video. Each has its place and purpose, and each has its strengths and weaknesses.
So why pick the weakest tools
at your disposal for the single most important job you face - that of
getting your prospect's attention and making the sale? If you have a story to tell that is
better off done face to face on a personal level, why not start telling it with video so
you can get your prospect's attention first? Once you have his attention, he's far more
likely to read what you have to say and take positive action.
Consider The Numbers
How many visitors to your site does it take to
make a sale - 25, 50, 100, 1,000, more? Are you making sales each and every day? How many?
Rather than concentrating on finding more visitors, doesn't it make better sense to find
ways to increase your closing ratio and start getting more sales from the visitors you
already have?
If you do nothing, your ratio of visitors to
sales will continue to decrease. If it's taking you 100 visitors to make a sale today, 6
months from now that number will probably be 1 in 200. And, it will continue to decline as
more of your competitors come online. With over seven years online now ourselves, we've
already learned what works and what doesn't. We've seen countless marketers attempt to use
outdated sales approaches that fail over and over again when used on the Internet. In
order to make consistent sales online, your marketing plan has to be based on more than
just the law of large numbers.
If you're afraid to try something new, just
think how most of your competitors feel. The exact same way. Several will eventually take
the step forward and survive. Most will not, and they will fail.
To add streaming video to your website or
corporate Intranet, simply send us your DVD, Mini-DV, Beta SP, Hi-8, Umatic, VHS or S-VHS
video clips using our mail-in
video submission form. Please
call us at 630-690-7611 or e-mail us at
if you have any questions. CyberTech Media provides video encoding services to both a national and international customer base. |